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Prevention reports

Analysis of complaints made by or on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - An Observations Paper

This paper reviews both the NSW Police Force and Commission's complaint handling system and traces complaints Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people made between 1 January 2021 and 30 June 2022 from triage to final outcome.

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Bail compliance checks in NSW – Issues Paper

The Commission has completed an Issues Paper which considers the legal framework for conducting bail compliance checks in NSW along with police practices for conducting bail compliance checks.

We are seeking public submissions to assist us to understand if the legislative framework provides sufficient clarity about when and how bail monitoring can be conducted by police.

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Operation Tepito

The Commission's Final Report in Operation Tepito provides our analysis and observations about the application of the NSW Police Force Suspect Targeting Management Plan (STMP) on children and young people. This report details our concerns, and the NSW Police Force response.

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NSW Police Force Aboriginal Strategic Direction 2018–2023 Monitoring Report

This report describes our review of the NSW Police Force Aboriginal Strategic Direction 2018 – 2023. The report makes 11 recommendations to the NSW Police Force regarding its policing and engagement activities with Aboriginal people. Find out more here.

Review of a sample of NSW Police Force strip search records 2021 – 2022

This report describes the results of an audit of 359 police records from 5 music festivals held in 2021 and 2022. The report is a follow-up to the Commission’s 2020 Inquiry into NSW Police Force strip search practices. Find out more here.

Review of NSW Police Force responses to family and domestic violence incidents

A review of complaints linked to police responses to domestic and family violence incidents, registered between 1 July 2017 and 1 July 2021. The report makes 13 recommendations. Find out more here.

Review of NSW Police Force use of force reporting

A review of a sample of NSW Police Force records of interactions involving use of force by police, identifying widespread inconsistencies in record keeping.

The report makes 11 recommendations and includes NSW Police Force’s response.

Find out more here.

Inquiry into NSW Police Force Strip Search practices

This includes the Commission’s report Inquiry into NSW Police Force strip search practices (2020) and a follow-up report entitled Review of a sample of NSW Police Force strip search practices 2021 – 2022 (2023).

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Review of Strip Search Standard Operating Procedures

This report forms a part of the Commission’s inquiry into police strip search practices, reviewing the NSW Police Force’s Standard Operating Procedures for strip searches conducted in custody.

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Operation Tusket

An investigation commenced by the Commission in 2017 regarding the NSW Police Force’s (NSWPF) administration of the NSW Child Protection Register.

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Operation Tusket Supplementary Report

A report on the actions the NSW Police Force has taken since the Commission’s Operation Tusket Final Report, to address issues with the administration of the NSW Child Protection Register.

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Operation Shorewood

A review of NSW Police Force management of workplace bullying and harassment Operation Shorewood involved a review of workplace equity matters that were investigated between 2017 and 2018.

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Review of the effectiveness of NSW Police Force Conduct Management Plans

A report on the Commission’s review of the framework for intensive management action in the workplace following police misconduct.

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