Search our publications
The publications hub is a database containing all of the LECC’s public publications.
You can find our public reports, fact sheets, and transcripts from public hearings.
You can also find our Annual Reports and publicly available policies and guidelines.

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Selecting a topic will return all publicly available documents related to that topic area.
You can use the report type, location and date filters to further refine your search.
Selecting an operation name will return all publicly available documents associated with that investigation.
Consult the Index of Operations and Reports for a summary of each LECC operation and report.
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- Use " " to search for results that mention a specific word or phrase (e.g. "use of force")
- Use AND to search for results related to 2 or more themes (e.g. strip search AND music festival)
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- Learn how to access information not found on the publications database on our Access Information page.
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