A NSW Government website

Media Release - NSW Police Force response to Commission’s review of consorting law amendments

Monday, 15 January 2024

The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission has published the NSW Police Force’s responses to recommendations made in the Commission’s review of consorting law amendments on its website today.

The NSW Police Force provided the Commission with responses to the Commission’s 13 recommendations including 2 directed at the NSW Attorney-General.

The NSW Police Force supported 8 of the Commission’s recommendations. Since the publishing of the report in February 2023, the NSW Police Force has taken actions, including updating the Consorting Standard Operating Procedures and consorting warning templates.

The use of consorting has now been elevated by the NSW Police Force to a “serious and organised crime” targeting strategy.

Chief Commissioner Peter Johnson SC described the significance of the police responses.

“The Commission has reviewed the NSW Police Force’s changes in line with our recommendations and are satisfied. This is a good example of how the Commission works with the NSW Police Force after we deliver our reports to ensure the issues have been addressed” he said.

A table setting out the NSW Police Force’s reply to the Commission’s Review of the operation of amendments to the consorting law under Part 3A Division 7 of the Crimes Act 1900 can be downloaded here and the Commission’s Review of the operation of amendments to the consorting law under Part 3A Division 7 of the Crimes Act 1900 may be found here